Snider Family Pecan
Water Oak / Laurel Oak
Every now and then we get to save an old tree that has been involved in the daily lives of a family for generations. Such was the case with the Snider family of Obrian, Florida. The old pecan tree was planted by the great-grandfather. It provided food, shade, shelter, and a gathering place for well over a century.
This old pecan tree was struck by lightning. During the cutting process we discovered the healed over burn marks. Because the tree was hollow the family almost decided not to cut it into table slabs. After looking at the tree I assured them that they would be very happy with what the tree would provide.
The lightning traveled the length of the tree. Because the center was hollow the fire burned for an extended period of time. The lightning and fire made for two unusual things ~ beautiful color and the wood was as hard as concrete ~ thus the name “PecanCrete”. The old tree provided over 25 beautiful slabs that will definitely turn some heads.
If you are interested in a particular slab please contact us. Also, contact us if you would like us to mail you the DVD with all the photos we took (over 190) ~ specify “Snider Family Pecan” DVD. There is a $10 fee for the DVD, but if you return it in “like new” condition we will refund you $5.Pecan Log 1 provided ten 10′ slabs from 28″ to 50″ wide.

Pecan Crotch Log 2

Log 3
The hollow center will provide many opportunities for out-of-the-ordinary creativity. The black char from the lightning strike still remains on many of the pieces.